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Inspiration and Ideas
For Living Life On Purpose

2 min read
Law of Attraction or Law of Action?
In the next couple of posts, I'll explore self-help and motivational concepts that sometimes provide more confusion than clarity due to...

2 min read
Focus, a schedule, and a routine, or at least a familiar, consistent routine, may be hard to come by due to COVID-19.

2 min read
Are You Tired Yet?
Significant change often follows the declaration of, I’ve had enough of this! A moment of anger, sadness, frustration, or all of these...

3 min read
The Reasons I Dislike This Saying.
We've all heard it, maybe even uttered this well-meaning comment, everything happens for a reason. After a loss, a divorce, an illness,...

4 min read
What Rocky, A Cancer Survivor and a Kindergarten Teacher All Have in Common
“One is doing well if age improves, even slightly, one's capacity to hold on to that vital truism: "This too shall pass.” ~ Alain de...

3 min read
A Life Coach is a Trapeze Artist.
It's not so much that we're afraid of change or so in love with the old ways, but it's that place in-between that we fear . . . . It's...

3 min read
Two Words Can Change Your Life
What if? These two words strung together have the ability to unlock the imagination, steer a new direction and open doors. Akin to open...
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