What if we celebrated self-mastery?
Self-mastery is personal responsibility that requires us to choose beyond immediate gratification; beyond the habits, impulses, and needs that so often drive behaviour.
Self-mastery is self-discipline, where we create purpose through action, and we create change through the discomfort. It’s the cornerstone of a well-lived life.
We have numerous distractions which pull us from this aim. Society doesn't always value or encourage self-control and the commitment it nurtures and breeds. We've become conditioned to think about what would get us there faster or easier or what would get the most attention or likes.
There are things lost in a quick fix and instant gratification, things lost in the easy like or surface accolades. There are things lost in rushing and reacting.
Self-mastery can return confidence and build lasting satisfaction. It's not just succeeding for the sake of succeeding; its aim and lasting benefit is the strengthening and developing of character and resilience as you move towards a goal. Self-mastery is the celebration of self-discipline, effort and wise choice.
Self Mastery:
It is making the best choice, especially when it's not easy.
It's not just understanding but applying tools, words, and skills.
It's not the destination but the road travelled.
It's the celebration of choice and not just the outcome.
It's the extolling of commitment, not aspirations.
What could happen in your life if this was the mission?
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